Successful local church men’s ministries don’t happen in a vacuum. Amazing peer reviewed and field tested men’s ministry resources are available today that weren’t just twenty or thirty years ago. This men’s ministry renaissance has resulted in established and mature national men’s ministries, an extensive men’s ministry literature, and a multitude of powerful and effective public speakers. A wise men’s ministry leader will avail himself of this rich treasure trove of resources and escape the men’s pancake breakfast rut.
In later posts I’ll cover the available men’s ministry literature and public speakers, but in this post I’m focusing on some leading men’s ministry organizations. This list is by no means exhaustive and is in no particular order.
- LifeWay Men – LifeWay is the world’s largest publisher of Christian material and the primary publisher for the Southern Baptist Convention. Kris Dolberry has recently taken the helm of the men’s ministry division at Lifeway. Kris has initiated an online Bible study featuring Washington Redskins coach Joe Gibbs, publishes a blog (and has graciously had me as a guest blogger), and next year will host three men’s ministry conferences in New Orleans, LA, Nashville, TN, and Greenville, SC.
- Man in the Mirror – With the publication in 1989 of his groundbreaking best seller, The Man in the Mirror, Patrick Morley helped ignite the men’s ministry movement in America. Founding Man in the Mirror in 1991, his goal was, and still is, to disciple every man in every church. Patrick still holds a weekly Bible video study, but the day to day operation of the ministry is lead by David Delk. One of MIM’s current initiatives that I especially like is to recruit 330 area representatives to help churches begin men’s ministries and deepen their effectiveness. Recently, MIM distributed New Commandment’s orientation DVD to all of its area reps.
- Every Man Ministries – Kenny Luck has founded one of the most dynamic national and international men’s ministries I know of. EMM’s website is full of amazing resources. You can spend hours on it. Also check out their conference ministry. I recently had the privilege of helping Kenny start a men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents in his church.
- National Coalition of Ministries to Men – I’ve been a member of NCMM since 2003 and credit it with helping me start New Commandment. I shared my vision for men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents at an NCMM national conference in Indianapolis in 2002 and received strong encouragement to pursue the ministry from a number of attendees. National Coalition of Ministries to Men, under the able leadership of Darrel Billups, is a bulwark for men’s ministry in America and one of the best resources available.
- lron Sharpens Iron – ISI is a national men’s equipping conference ministry founded by Brian Doyle. It is the premier men’s conference ministry in America, with about 50 conferences annually. The beauty of this conference ministry is that each conference has 16 breakout session that are 75 minutes long on special topics relating to men. New Commandment has done seminars on men’s team ministry at over 150 of these conferences all over the country for the past 14 years. If you have an Iron Sharpens Iron conference in your area, take as many men from your church to it and utilize this gold mine of resources. Your men will love you for it.
So that’s my list. Now it’s your turn. What are your favorite men’s ministry resources and why?
This post first appeared in NewCommandment.org.
Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom
and fatherless child in your church at NewCommandment.org.
4 thoughts on “5 Top Men’s Ministries You Should Know About”
I’m a leader at my church in Las Vegas NV, and we desire to from our 40 men. Want to partner with other groups and have men’s ministry materials for small groups
We want to establish a successful men’s ministry. Any help you can provide is appreciated.
No Regrets Men’s Ministry has emerged as one of today’s top men’s ministries. They have been known in the upper mid-west for more than 30 years, but because of their unique live-streamed men’s event and training materials, today they are recognized all over the world. Steve Sonderman founded No Regrets when he was one of the only paid staff men’s ministry pastors in America. The annual No Regrets conference is streamed all over the US and into several countries each year reaching tens of thousands of men. But, perhaps their most valuable contribution has been their men’s resources. Unlike most of today’s men’s curricula and training, No Regrets curricula requires homework and a much deeper commitment.