Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

11 Formative and Remarkable Men in My Life

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Ben Reese
Ben Reese

When I think about the men God has brought into my life to mentor and influence me, Luke 12:48 often comes to mind: “From everyone who has been given much, much shall be required.” God has given me an amazing spiritual heritage. Here are some of the men the Lord has used to mold me into who I am today.

Ben Reese – my dad. I’ve never known a more faithful, humble and kind man than my father. He was married to my mother for over 50 years, worked for the same company his entire life, owned and lived in the same home for most of his adult life, was a member of Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles for 84 years, and was healthy and mentally sharp until two weeks before he died at the age of 99. Love you, Dad.

Dr. John G. Mitchell – founder of Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon and a member of the first graduating class at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Mitchell was married to my mother’s sister, Mary Mitchell. “Uncle John and Auntie Marie,” as our family knew them, often visited in our home in Los Angeles. Their love for the Lord filled our home with Shekinah glory the moment they would walk through our door. I cannot overstate their influence on me.

Dr. J. Vernon McGee – Most people know J. Vernon McGee from his national Thru the Bible radio ministry. But to me Dr. McGee was my pastor at Church of the Open Door for the first 19 years of my life. Dr. McGee gave me a love for the Word of God and expository preaching.

Jim Klubnik – my youth pastor for seven years at Church of the Open Door. Jim poured his life into me and the rest of our youth group with amazing missions trips, retreats and Bible studies. Numerous pastors and missionaries came out of that group.

Leighton Ogg – my high school Sunday School teacher and mentor. Leighton and I would meet before church for breakfast on Sunday morning and discuss Christian apologetics. His discipleship prepared me for four years in very secular UCLA.

Mark Neuenschwander – my young adult pastor at Church of the Open Door. Mark taught me about the importance of community by practicing it himself.

Dr. Mortimer Chambers – Rhodes Scholar and renowned professor of ancient history at UCLA, with a masters from Oxford and a PhD from Harvard, Dr. Chambers gave riveting lectures on Middle Eastern and Greek history. He also told me he thought the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ was very strong.

Dr. Don Sunukjian – a lifelong friend and Professor of Homiletics at Talbot Seminary. Don taught me how to preach clear, relevant sermons.

Walt Muegge – an adult Sunday School teacher in my church in Quincy, Illinois. Walt was a self-made man who started out building a home with materials he charged on a credit card. He wound up owning over 100 rental homes in Quincy, a bank, and commercial real estate. Yet he was a humble man who always wore overalls, drove an old truck, and worked hard on his homes until the day he died in his 90’s.

Tom Faulkner – also an adult Sunday School teacher – mine. Patti and I have been in Tom’s adult Sunday School class for several years now. Like Walt Muegge, Tom is also a successful business man. As President of Furniture Row, Tom has overseen the growth of this company to become one of America’s largest furniture retailers.

Kim Skattum – my pastor for the last 15 years. Kim is one of the most loving and dedicated pastors I’ve ever known. When he sees you, he has the ability to make you feel like he’s been thinking about you all week long. Under Kim’s leadership, the church has grown from 200 to 2,000 on three campuses.

How about you? Who are the men God has used in your life to mold you into the Christian you are?

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