Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

400 Posts: What I Hope We’ve Learned

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I wrote my first post for this blog on January 20, 2014. The title was, “The One Amazing Thing God Wants to Do with Men.” Five years and four hundred posts later, the question came to my mind, if I were to summarize the main points I’ve been trying to get across, what would they be? Here’s my answer to that question.

  • All churches have a a clear and explicit biblical mandate to effectively and consistently meet every pressing need in their congregations. This mandate has national implications and directly affects the testimony of the church. Usually the people with these needs are widows and single moms. But they can be others as well, such as the disabled, widowers, etc. Sadly, the vast majority of churches in America fail in this area, often responding to these types of needs with ineffective kind gestures. Therefore, everyone reading this blog who is a Christian has a responsibility to advocate for these fellow believers who have long term needs.
  • The love of Christ is unique to Christians. Practicing Christ’s love identifies us as Christ-followers. This love is radical, extremely practical, and always effective in meeting the pressing needs of our fellow believers because it involves identifying with those in need, committing to them, and sacrificing for them the way God in Christ identified with us, committed to us, and sacrificed for us.
  • Providing teams of men for their widowed and single parents is one way to express the identification, commitment and sacrifice that the love of Christ always involves. Men’s team ministry is not the only way to meet the pressing needs of our fellow believers, but it has worked well in hundreds of churches.
  • Men in our culture face a crisis of identity. Therefore, men’s ministry is an extremely important ministry component in any healthy church. There are very effective national men’s ministries that every church should be aware of.
  • Jesus Christ has impacted every area of my life. I write about how this is so to encourage others to walk daily in fellowship with Jesus too.

In a nutshell, then, this blog is about widows, single moms, men, and my personal life experiences as a Christian. Thanks for reading. I hope you’re finding it helpful.

This post first appeared in

Learn how to meet every pressing need in your church here.

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Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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