Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

5 More Men’s Ministries You Should Know About

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As I’ve said before, men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents is not the be-all and end-all of men’s ministry. There are many different aspects to men’s ministry besides serving the widowed and single parents. If you’re using men’s team ministry to begin a men’s ministry in your church, you need to eventually expand into other areas, or you will have a lopsided men’s ministry. For this reason, I have an extensive list of recommended men’s ministries on my membership site, Meeting to Meet Needs. I’ve highlighted five of these in a previous post. Here are five more men’s ministries for your consideration.

  1. Church for Men – If you really want to impact men and boys, you?ve got to do it in church.?In youth group. In Sunday school. That?s where Church for Men comes in. Church for Men helps churches restore a healthy masculine spirit in everything they do ? worship, teaching, programming, facilities, and governance. So from the moment?a man walks into church he senses that Christianity is something for him ? not just something for his wife and kids.
  2. A Chosen Generation – People often receive their life calling and accomplish great things for the Lord while they are in their teen years. Scripture teaches that young people are a vital part of the church?s present and future effectiveness. A Chosen Generation connects young people to the church body through emphasizing inter-generational ministry.
  3. Knights of the 21st Century -?Knights of the 21st?Century produces men?s ministry DVD study programs, books,?and other materials that churches, prisons, rescue missions and men?s groups are using to motivate men toward integrity and true manhood. Knights is dedicated to walking beside each man as he strives to fulfill the potential God has given him. The results are men who hold each other to a higher standard, love and lead their families as Christ would and fight to change the world.
  4. (re)Think Disciplemaking -?(re)Think Disciplemaking is a membership site designed to explore more deeply what Jesus has in mind when He speaks the Great Commission to make disciples.?(re)Think begins by helping you understand God?s aim in growing you to spiritual maturity, what that looks like, and the process He uses to accomplish this. Understanding how God grows you and me into disciples helps us to be more effective in helping others grow to maturity as true disciples of Jesus Christ.
  5. Men of the Word -?Men of the Word?provides basic and intensive training in scripture to help men win at home and in their sphere’s of influence. Men of the Word’s intent is to give men the seminary-like knowledge they need to be the pastor’s of their homes, and the leaders in their church and communities that God calls them to be.?

The current men’s ministry renaissance is producing a flood of excellent resources no men’s ministry leader should be without. I hope this post wets your appetite to research these and the many other available products.

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If you currently have a men’s team ministry in your church, what additional men’s ministry resources are you using?


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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