We want to see unchurched single moms finding Jesus Christ as their savior and growing in their newfound faith with confidence and hope. We also want to see Christian single moms loved and accepted in the church for the amazing women that they are.
Herb Reese
In my continuing series on ministering to single moms, I recommend existing parachurch and church-based single moms ministries that we can study and utilize.
This post is part of a series entitled, “ Since 2003 New Commandment Men’s Ministries has helped hundreds of churches throughout North American and around the world recruit teams of men who permanently adopt their widowed and single parents in their congregations for the purpose of donating two hours of […]
“Why should we invite unrepentant and unmarried single moms and their illegitimate children into our church?” That’s the elephant in the room when it comes to the question of the church ministering to single mom households. Of course, the answer is, “Because they need Jesus and Jesus would welcome them […]
Single mother families, along with everyone else outside nuclear families, deserve the redemptive ministry of the church just as much as nuclear families do. And because of their fallenness, nuclear families need the redemptive ministry of the church just as much as everyone else.
Single mother families, along with everyone else outside nuclear families, deserve the redemptive ministry of the church just as much as nuclear families do. And because of their fallenness, nuclear families need the redemptive ministry of the church just as much as everyone else.
“Building the Church by Building Strong Families.” That is the MO of almost all churches in America today. But the problem with trying to build the kingdom of God on earth by building spiritually healthy families is that it has been tried before. Many times, in fact. For centuries. And each attempt has failed miserably.
Walk into any church in America and you will immediately notice one thing: it is all about nuclear families (i.e., a husband and a wife who are married and raise their own children to adulthood), usually to the exclusion of other ministries such as widows, single mothers, and the disabled.
This post is part of a series entitled, “A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Single Moms“. There have always been single moms in every culture in the history of humanity. By far the majority of those single moms have been young widows and their children. But today, in modern America, a […]
As much as anything else, single motherhood in America has been impacted by its post Christian culture.