As we look at God’s good works in history. we are learning that what God does reveals his nature. In creation, we saw that God’s good works reveal his omniscience and omnipotence. In his creation of Adam and Eve in his image, we learn that God himself is personal. And […]
Herb Reese
“My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” – Jesus Christians worship the God who does things, not lifeless, immobile idols. Nor do we worship abstract ideas, immoral demigods, or whatever other gods we might make up in our minds. We worship […]
Equipped to do what? Imagine that you have signed up for a course at your local junior college called “Construction 101” and the course description reads, “In Construction 101, you will be given tools to build things.” On the first day of the class, you and your classmates eagerly […]
I love it when churches send me stories about the impact their men’s team ministry is having. One such story I recently received is from Bill Hite at Cedar Run Community Church in Oak Hill, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. They have had their men’s team ministry since 2011. […]
Previous posts in this series can be found in my article, A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men. As a pastor for twenty years, I spent a good amount of time counseling married and engaged couples. I could write an entire book giving marriage advice. But if there is one thing I […]
Change is coming to New Commandment Men’s Ministries and I am excited to tell you about it. A four-year plan for my retirement This year, New Commandment Men’s Ministries celebrated 20 years of ministry and I celebrated my 71st birthday. You may be wondering what my plans are for the […]
Previous posts in this series can be found in my article, A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men. As we have seen in my latest series of posts, our mission as Men of God is to do the good works God saved us, called us, and equipped us to do. These Divinely […]
Previous posts in this series can be found in my article, A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men. My late uncle and mentor was a pastor. When I was a young man he told me, “There are three primary temptations for a pastor: money, sex, and fame.” He was right. I […]
Previous posts in this series can be found in my article, A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men. The day “Cliff” tried to liberate Cuba from Fidel Castro “Cliff,” who is now deceased, was a born again Christian who had come to know Christ as his savior as a young adult. […]
The “Van Kemps” were pillars in my childhood church; godly, faithful, and respectable people. Their two sons, “Steve” and “Phil” were in my youth group. One day, terrible news spread throughout the church: the Van Kemps’ oldest son, Steve, had been diagnosed with osteosarcoma, bone cancer. Sadly, it had already […]