One of the first questions all churches who are considering doing men’s team ministry for their widowed and single parents ask is how much it costs. The short answer is very little. The long answer relates to the three different types of costs a church may incur. Funding the Startup? […]
Herb Reese
In my continuing effort to expose my readers to the amazing men’s ministry resources that are currently available, here are an additional five men’s ministries everyone who has a concern for men should know about. Men With No Regrets – Founded by Steve Sonderman. Highly regarded as one of the […]
Jesus said to her, ?Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life.? The woman said to Him, ?Sir, give […]
We spend a lot of time talking about the importance of training care givers when starting a men’s team ministry to the widowed and single parents. Care givers need to be trained in the love of Christ, the importance of good works, why we use teams, what the men’s team […]
There really shouldn’t be a parachurch ministry called New Commandment Men’s Ministries. In fact, it felt very strange incorporating the “New Commandment” as a 501 (c)3 fifteen years ago. And I never have managed to get up the nerve to trade mark our logo. How can I possibly tell people, […]
My wife has a problem. Patti has been a women’s health care nurse practitioner for forty years. That means she’s done over 100,000 exams. And that means she continually gets her left and right mixed up. Why? Because as she faces her patients and talks to them about their left […]
Pastor, the men in your church need you. More specifically, they need you to do something for them. They need you to help them make healthy male friendships. Men who lack friends has become a huge red flag in our culture. Look at these recent titles from leading publications: Boston […]
Men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents is not rocket science. It’s easy to start one in any church. Here are three ways to begin a men’s team ministry in yours. First Way – Steal Our Idea! ? Actually, men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents […]
Nothing is working right this morning. I got locked out of my online ministry banking account. (Hmm, what is my accountant’s mother-in-law’s first name?) And for some reason, I can’t access my ministry’s website with my home wifi, Starbucks’ wifi, or with my cellphone hotspot. I can check my email, […]
I wrote recently about “Hell Lite.” I discussed how God isn’t a sadist, arbitrarily assigning everyone to the same fate in hell. (This is a favorite atheistic straw man argument against the existence of a personal, holy God.) Instead, there are degrees of hell, with some being more tolerable than […]