Herb Reese

670 posts
Herb Reese is an author, public speaker and President of New Commandment Men's Ministries. Herb has a B.A. in History from UCLA and a Th.M. in Pastoral Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has done post graduate work in The History of Ideas at University of Texas, Dallas and in Church Administration at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. After serving as a pastor over a period of twenty years, Herb founded New Commandment Men's Ministries, a ministry dedicated to helping churches recruit, train, organize and deploy teams of men who permanently adopt their widowed and single parents. Herb has served as President of New Commandment since 2003 and has helped 1,000 churches develop men's team ministries in all 50 states and eight foreign countries. Herb and his wife, Patti, live in Arvada, Colorado, and have three adult children.

Have You Been Injured While Doing Men’s Team Ministry?

I broke my thumb this summer while mowing my lawn. Yes, it is possible to break your thumb while mowing your lawn. Here’s how I managed to do it. I wasn’t paying attention when I turned the mower around after mowing a strip of my backyard lawn. I thought I […]

Hell Lite

Talking and writing about hell in public is a faux pas these days. But at the risk of being a Debbie Downer (or rather, a Dennis Downer) during the holiday season, I’m going to do just that. I was stunned by the overwhelming response I received to my post “Imagine […]

God of Our Hearts

    Without God as Lord of our hearts… There?will never be enough laws. There will never be enough security cameras. There will never be enough police officers. There will never be enough body cams. There will never be enough check points. There will never be enough lawyers. There?will never […]

The Bikini and the Burqa

“Human nature never changes.” The professor and I both sighed. We were on a ten minute break at the Broomfield, Colorado, City and County Courthouse.. The lawsuit for wrongful termination against Vail Resorts had been dragging on and on and both of us were getting bored performing our civic duty […]

Thoughts From Nashville on the Need for Men’s Ministry in America

I was in Nashville earlier this week meeting with men’s ministry leaders from around the country. I almost didn’t go. I’ve had sinus issues for the past ten weeks. But I drug myself to Denver International, plopped my body in a plane seat, survived pressurized acute sinusitis at 30,000 feet, […]

Believing That, Believing In

Every time I fly somewhere I always notice a very specific and important moment on my trip: it’s the moment I transfer my weight from the end of the jetway onto the jet by stepping through the door. It’s a very delibrate act of the will, a decision that I […]

Jesus, Friend of Women

Dear Women: Welcome to the modern world and its secular, godless men. In this new world, men have been taught all their lives that they are the end product of millions of years of evolution: the fittest of the fit. They believe they are mere animals with huge sex drives […]

Through Love Serve One Another

Maybe it was because my mother wasn’t Norwegian. I don’t know. But the reality was that Grandma Reese never thought Mom was good enough for her beloved firstborn son, Bernhard. No matter what she did, Mom couldn’t cook well enough, keep house well enough, or raise five children well enough […]