Herb Reese

670 posts
Herb Reese is an author, public speaker and President of New Commandment Men's Ministries. Herb has a B.A. in History from UCLA and a Th.M. in Pastoral Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has done post graduate work in The History of Ideas at University of Texas, Dallas and in Church Administration at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. After serving as a pastor over a period of twenty years, Herb founded New Commandment Men's Ministries, a ministry dedicated to helping churches recruit, train, organize and deploy teams of men who permanently adopt their widowed and single parents. Herb has served as President of New Commandment since 2003 and has helped 1,000 churches develop men's team ministries in all 50 states and eight foreign countries. Herb and his wife, Patti, live in Arvada, Colorado, and have three adult children.

Doing the People Business with Coffee

The intersection at 80th and Wadsworth, a few blocks from my home in Arvada, Colorado, is a testament to American capitalism and entrepreneurship: It has a McDonalds, an Arby’s, a Chic-fil-a, a Hobby Lobby, a Target, a funeral home, a Walgreens, a Goodwill, a bank, a Petco, two supermarkets, two […]

Will Men’s Team Ministry Work in Developing Countries?

Sometimes I receive inquiries from pastors in developing countries about whether men’s team ministry will work in their church. The first question to ask, however, is whether men’s team ministry in the form that we practice it in our developed culture it is even needed in their situation. I’ve written […]

What Riding Shotgun Taught Me About the Mind of Christ

Westchester High School had two basic problems: it had no air conditioning and it was built right next to the runways at Los Angeles International Airport. That meant on warm days, when there was no ocean breeze from the Pacific Ocean a mile away to cool us down, we had […]

A Great Orientation Requires Thorough Planning

A great orientation meeting will not only thoroughly train your men in men’s team ministry to your widowed and single parents, it will set the tone for your entire ministry. Therefore, it’s critical that you prepare well. Here are some suggestions on how to execute an effective orientation. Make sure […]

Promoting Your Men’s Team Ministry for Maximum Involvement

One of the most important things you need to do when starting your men’s team ministry is promote your orientation well. Creating and capturing interest, enthusiasm, and momentum will ensure a great start. Here are some suggestions on how to go about doing that. Promote your men’s team ministry with […]

Staying Alive: Why I’m Not Retiring

A couple of years ago, with the option of retirement looming ever larger, I sat down and asked myself if I really wanted to do that. I had never thought I would want to retire. I love to work and I love my work. But I thought I should at […]

Responding to Neurotic Care Receivers

We humans are complex creatures with spiritual, psychological, physical and social dimensions. We constantly balance and readjust these various dimensions in the hanging mobile we call ourselves. But add to these dimensions the stress and dysfunction that come from living in a fallen world and the result is that none […]

Why Background Checks are Critical for Men’s Team Ministry

Take the safety of your care receivers seriously When it comes to men’s team ministry, one of the main concerns potential care receivers have is that they don’t know who the men are who will be coming into their home on a monthly basis. Churches need to take this concern […]

Why I’m a Biblicist

I have been influenced by the Bible throughout my entire life. There has never been a time in my conscious awareness when I did not know about and believe in this amazing book. Paul’s words to Timothy in his second epistle to him apply to myself as well: “From a […]

My Most Excellent Visit to Leslie’s Synagogue

I heard recently that the intersection of the 405 freeway with the Santa Monica freeway west of Los Angeles is the busiest in the entire U.S. That didn’t surprise me at all. Even forty-five years ago, when I was commuting as a student to UCLA just north of there, it […]