Herb Reese

670 posts
Herb Reese is an author, public speaker and President of New Commandment Men's Ministries. Herb has a B.A. in History from UCLA and a Th.M. in Pastoral Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has done post graduate work in The History of Ideas at University of Texas, Dallas and in Church Administration at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. After serving as a pastor over a period of twenty years, Herb founded New Commandment Men's Ministries, a ministry dedicated to helping churches recruit, train, organize and deploy teams of men who permanently adopt their widowed and single parents. Herb has served as President of New Commandment since 2003 and has helped 1,000 churches develop men's team ministries in all 50 states and eight foreign countries. Herb and his wife, Patti, live in Arvada, Colorado, and have three adult children.

Are Good Works Important? You Better Believe They Are!

Everything about our Christian faith points us in one direction: to do good. “We are His workmanship,” Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10, “created in Christ Jesus for good works; which God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Emphasis mine.) The simple reality is that wherever genuine believers […]

I Love Zip Code Evangelism

“So, Herb, what do you want to do with the rest of your life?” It was working. It took six months, but my zip code evangelism strategy (go to the same people in the same places in the same area all the time) was working. I’m a creature of habit. […]

13 Things I Don’t Believe

If you’ve been reading my blog for like, one week, you know what I do believe. Here are thirteen things I don’t believe. 1. I don’t believe something came from nothing. 2. I don’t believe order just appeared out of chaos. 3. I don’t believe the universe was fine tuned […]

Two Things Christians Have to Give to This World

We all know we live in a post Christian world that is quickly becoming an anti-Christian world. But before western civilization throws the baby out with the bathwater, it might be a good idea for everyone to pause, take a deep breath, and think about some of the things Christianity […]

A Tale of Two Impoverished Towns

Like many American Christians these days, I’ve been on a number of short term mission trips and consequently have seen a lot of poverty. But two mission trips stand out in my mind mainly because they took place within a year of each other and because they clearly illustrate two […]