After having conducted workshops at over 150 men’s conferences over the past 19 years, I can summarize the men’s ministry topics covered at these conferences under ten general headings.
Herb Reese
Early on in my ministry I sat through a seminar given by my lifelong friend, Dr. Don Sunukjian (pronounced Sa-Noo-key-an), professor of homiletics at Talbot Seminary. The title of the seminar was “Increasing Clarity and Relevance in Your Preaching.” It was one of the best seminars I’ve ever taken. One […]
Emily Colson, daughter of Prison Fellowship founder, Chuck Colson, shares how she found God’s blessing in the midst of trial as a single mom and mother of an autistic son. Herb: Emily, it’s been wonderful to meet you and get to know you. You are a single mother with an […]
Pornography is the crabgrass in the lawn of men’s ministry. No matter how many seminars are held, how many books are written, how many messages are delivered, the problem just pops back up and gets worse. I’m no expert on treating Christian men addicted to porn (and a good percent […]
All ministry involves liability. While you should not let liability issues stop you from doing biblical ministry, you can mitigate liability by stressing safety from the first day of your men’s team ministry. ( See also my post, “How to Deal with Issues of Liability with Your Men’s Team Ministry.” […]
Widows and single moms are often the last to receive significant ministry in the church. But in the New Testament, they were the first. How should the modern church go about serving the widows and single moms in its midst? Here are some suggestions: Widows and single moms need spiritual […]
The more I think about developing an online community for men’s team ministry, the more excited I get. Here are my thoughts about what this community might look like. It will have three “spaces”: a meeting space, a classroom space, and a bonus space. 1. A meeting space for those […]
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Men’s Team Ministry is a Pragmatic Way to Express the Love of Christ I speak and write a lot about men’s team ministry. But I don’t want to give the impression that I am locked into using teams of men to serve their widowed and single parents for all of […]