“Herb, have you checked your website this morning?” Long before Russian hackers hacked into the DNC and Sidney Blumenthal’s emails to Hillary Clinton, they discovered the strategic importance of New Commandment Men’s Ministries. Maybe Vladimir Putin felt we were a geopolitical threat to his international goals, I don’t know. The […]
Herb Reese
I’ve mentioned Dixie in a previous post about losing weight. While my dog, a German shepherd husky mix, may seem to have little to do with my three major blogging topics-men’s team ministry to the widowed and single parents, men’s ministry in general, and the pressing needs around us-the spiritual […]
Over the years, I’ve often asked the men in my workshops how many of them have helped someone in their church move. Well over ninety percent raise their hands, often groaning and nodding as they do. Then I joke about how they didn’t know it, but when they joined their […]
The vision Here’s the vision: a team of four godly and faithful men showing up once a month for years on the front porch of a widow, widower or single parent in their church or community to do what ever needs to be done around their home for two hours […]
We just got through the holiday season, which means we all received a tsunami of requests for donations from charities, New Commandment Men’s Ministries included. But more than a few of us may be experiencing “Giver’s Remorse,” a subtle regret that maybe it wasn’t so smart to shove that $50 […]
I know it sounds naive to even ask this question, but if America in the early 19th century could be regarded as primarily a “Christian” nation, meaning the Bible was taken seriously by the culture in general, most churches, with some variance, held to historic Christian doctrine, and Christian norms […]
As just about everyone who reads this blog knows, my ministry trains men to show the love of Christ to the widowed, single parents, and others with long term needs in their church and community. We do this by forming men into teams and assigning each team to serve a […]
After my interview with Jim Daley on Focus on the Family in 2011, I went out to lunch with the producer. He mentioned the hundreds of requests for interviews FOTF gets from a multitude of Christian organizations. To which I responded, “And yet you took the initiative, contacted New Commandment […]
Men’s health and ministry to widows and single moms seem to be two disparate fields. But they aren’t at all. In fact, they’re intimately intertwined.
I’ve been in ministry almost all of my professional life. And my wife has been a nurse practitioner all of hers. Early on in our marriage I realized that I would probably never make more than she did. It wasn’t an easy pill to swallow, especially since I grew up […]