Herb Reese

670 posts
Herb Reese is an author, public speaker and President of New Commandment Men's Ministries. Herb has a B.A. in History from UCLA and a Th.M. in Pastoral Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has done post graduate work in The History of Ideas at University of Texas, Dallas and in Church Administration at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. After serving as a pastor over a period of twenty years, Herb founded New Commandment Men's Ministries, a ministry dedicated to helping churches recruit, train, organize and deploy teams of men who permanently adopt their widowed and single parents. Herb has served as President of New Commandment since 2003 and has helped 1,000 churches develop men's team ministries in all 50 states and eight foreign countries. Herb and his wife, Patti, live in Arvada, Colorado, and have three adult children.

5 Top Men’s Ministries You Should Know About

Successful local church men’s ministries don’t happen in a vacuum. Amazing peer reviewed and field tested men’s ministry resources are available today that weren’t just twenty or thirty years ago. This men’s ministry renaissance has resulted in established and mature national men’s ministries, an extensive men’s ministry literature, and a […]

The Church or the Family: Which is More Important to Social Stability?

“Focus on the Family” “Family Christian Stores” “Family Worship Center” “Faith in the Family” “Rock Family Church” “Family Church” I have a pet peeve: the American church is way too focused on the family and the result is a stunted witness to the world. Here’s why I think this is […]

Energize Sleepy Teens in Sunday Morning Sunday School

If, like myself, you grew up in church, you may remember that junior and high Sunday school was, well, rather tiring, if not downright boring. Or perhaps you’ve taught this age group in Sunday School and watched your pensive teens stare at the floor as you waxed eloquent on the […]

Becoming a High Impact Christian Man

“No one is so insignificant as to be without influence.” This quote by Betty Carlson in her book, From the Mountains of L’Abri, has stayed with me for forty years. It summarizes in a nutshell the reality that we are all interconnected and every single person, no matter how seemingly […]