From time to time I’m asked if I know of any men’s team ministries that have partnered with another church. To date, I don’t know of any. But I do have a few thoughts about it. First, and most importantly: Always work with and through your pastor and church leadership […]
Herb Reese
I know. I know. You’re getting a little queasy. “Herb sure is talking about good works a lot in his blog. And often he talks about his good works. Didn’t Jesus teach that we’re not supposed to do that?” At first blush, it seems like He did in His famous […]
It is a measure of our sinfulness that we think doing good works is something special. It’s not. For a Christian, good works are just what we do. Or, to put it in the form of a Geico commercial: If you’re a Christian, you practice good works. It’s what you […]
Over the years, I have had the privilege of seeing the Lord keep a very specific and wonderful promise to me. It has direct application for any Christian who wants to meet the pressing needs around them. It’s found in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “God is able to make all grace […]
Here is my advice for anyone thinking of starting a career in men’s ministry.
We’re all getting older. This means that our men’s team ministries are getting older too. Some men’s team ministries have been around for over ten years. Some teams have been around for over ten years. I’ve been on a team serving our care receiver for fourteen years now! So what […]
For years, now, I have had this burning question in my mind: What does it really mean to love others the way Christ has loved me? To love others in this fantastically grand way is, of course, the central idea of our Christian faith. But here’s the rub: I have, […]
A frayed rope is useless. But “a chord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Spiritually frayed men are useless too. And our churches are full of them. Maybe it’s time to hold a church draft and place all of our men on teams in the first round. […]
Sometimes I am asked the question, “What biblical passage best defines men’s ministry?” One biblical passage in particular describes a Christian man’s complete journey from salvation to maturity There are many passages I could give in response to this question. But I especially like one passage in particular, for several […]
On Thursday evening, March 3rd, I?ll be doing a pastors? seminar in a very special place: Lighthouse Baptist Church in Quincy, Illinois. It was during my pastorate at Lighthouse twenty years ago (Has it really been that long?!) that the Lord led me to form our men into teams of […]