A Christian view of marriage says, “I want to deny myself to give to you.” The world’s view of marriage is utilitarian. It’s based on happiness.
Herb Reese
The original church growth strategy has not changed. You go out and find twelve guys and you build on them.
I saw that insecurity and lack of life focus among men crossed all boundaries-social, economic, racial, nationalities-it’s the elephant in the world’s living room that nobody dares to face. That’s what led me to write Healing the Masculine Soul.
The primary purpose of what we do is help churches develop strategies rather than a program for intergenerational ministry.
Kenny Luck is President of Every Man Ministries. At the time of this interview, Kenny was also Men’s Pastor at Saddleback Church.
Coach Bill McCartney discusses his grief over the loss of his wife, the legacy of Promise Keepers, and the current state of racial reconciliation in the church.
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Miriam Neff looked at Scripture and a hundred and three verses say God loves widows and other believers should be looking out for them.
Give “The Unseen Companion” by Michelle Lynn Senters to every single mom you know and encourage them to read it two or three times.
The late Dr. Ed Cole has played a major role in making family the central emphasis in men’s ministry.