Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Big Changes are on New Commandment’s Horizon and We Need Your Help

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Change is coming to New Commandment Men’s Ministries and I am excited to tell you about it.

A four-year plan for my retirement

This year, New Commandment Men’s Ministries celebrated 20 years of ministry and I celebrated my 71st birthday. You may be wondering what my plans are for the future and what the board’s plans are for the future of New Commandment Men’s Ministries.

To date, I am still healthy, active, and mentally clear minded, for which I am deeply thankful to the Lord. I also love my work at New Commandment Men’s Ministries!

For this reason, my board and I plan, if the Lord continues to undergird my health, for me to work as a paid staff member of New Commandment until I am 75 (October 2027), and then retire and continue to work as an unpaid staff volunteer thereafter.

A new “quasi-endowment”

Following my retirement, the board will use our excess income over operating expenses to build a quasi-endowment. A “quasi-endowment” is a legal term that describes an endowment-like fund that is established and administered by a non-profit’s board. The quasi-endowment will enable New Commandment to continue in perpetuity after I am gone, if the Lord tarries.

How you can help

In the meantime, New Commandment Men’s Ministries continues its work training Christian men around the world how to start men’s team ministries to the widows, single moms, and fatherless children in their churches. Our new free online training site ( is exceeding expectations. Approximately twenty-five churches per year start men’s team ministries by using our site.

At the moment, New Commandment is finishing 2023 in the red, which is unusual for us. Your generous donation will help us start 2024 in the black and keep us on track for another successful year. You can donate using PayPal here.

And Merry Christmas to you all.


Herb Reese, President

New Commandment Men’s Ministries

This post first appeared in


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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