Boys to Men is more than simply the name of a recently popular singing group. It also accurately describes the pathway God desires all males to travel. Male maturity requires courage Watching recent events unfold in the Middle East reminds us of the courage required to fight evil like men, […]
Previous posts in this series can be found in my article, A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men. My late uncle and mentor was a pastor. When I was a young man he told me, “There are three primary temptations for a pastor: money, sex, and fame.” He was right. I […]
Fatherless America No matter what else you undertake today in men’s ministry, you must address the growing problem of fatherlessness. America is in the middle of a fathering crisis. Some are even calling the United States “Fatherless America.”[1] Consider the following facts: In America, 2022 data indicates there are approximately […]
Previous posts in this series can be found in my article, A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men. The day “Cliff” tried to liberate Cuba from Fidel Castro “Cliff,” who is now deceased, was a born again Christian who had come to know Christ as his savior as a young adult. […]
The “Van Kemps” were pillars in my childhood church; godly, faithful, and respectable people. Their two sons, “Steve” and “Phil” were in my youth group. One day, terrible news spread throughout the church: the Van Kemps’ oldest son, Steve, had been diagnosed with osteosarcoma, bone cancer. Sadly, it had already […]
Assuming that we are going through the process Paul describes in 2 Timothy 3:12-17, the process that God uses to turn us into men of God who are equipped for every good work — the process that includes being saved, learning God’s word, accepting reproof from God’s word, experiencing restored […]
Just because we are “Men of God” does not mean we have already arrived We have seen from my last series, “A Men’s Ministry Men Want to Know,” that men who have a passionate desire to serve widows and single moms have an acquired taste. That is, the average non-Christian […]
Previous posts in this series have been incorporated into Part 2 of my online article, “A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men.” “…so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:17 We now come to the climax of 2 Timothy 3:12-17, our foundational […]
Previous posts in this series have been incorporated into Part 2 of my online article, “A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men.” Now we are getting into the meat of 2 Timothy 3:16. In this series, we have seen that God saves us, surrounds us with other believers who want to […]
Previous posts in this series have been incorporated into Part 2 of my online article, “A Comprehensive Church-Based Ministry to Men.” We have seen how God, in preparing us to do his good works, uses his word to rebuke us when we sin. Sometimes this rebuke is subtle. Sometimes it […]