Men’s ministry, like the men it seeks to serve, isn’t complicated. After having conducted workshops at over 150 men’s conferences over the past 19 years, I can summarize the men’s ministry topics covered at these conferences under ten general headings. Here they are.
Men’s Ministry Topic #1: Becoming a Christian
It’s encouraging to be able to say that almost every single conference I’ve attended over the years has given a clear presentation of the gospel. As a result, I’ve witnessed hundreds of men come to faith in Christ. I’m proud to be a part of a movement that presents the gospel so clearly and powerfully to men.
Men’s Ministry Topic #2: Spiritual Life
The workshops I’ve seen in the area of spiritual life emphasize the importance of practicing spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, Bible study, scripture memory, and witnessing. They also encourage men to develop discipling relationships with other men, either as mentors or as mentees.
Men’s Ministry Topic #3: Male Identity
Male identity is a huge issue, not just in men’s ministry, but in our general culture as well. Men are going through a gigantic tectonic change in their societal roles in America and the tension bleeds over into men’s ministry. Men quite literally don’t know what it means to be a man.
The big question in Christian circles is whether a man can be a Christian without becoming feminized. One way men’s ministry answers this question by stressing the bold and fearless side of Jesus. Workshops also present the spiritual life in very masculine terms, describing it as a “battle” in which men wage “spiritual warfare.” And finally, they emphasize the importance of men’s roles as husbands and fathers.
Men’s Ministry Topic #4: Marriage and Family
All local church men’s ministries need to address the “stage in life” issues men face. I call this felt need ministry. Single men, divorced men, husbands, fathers, and grandfathers all have problems that Scripture provides answers to. Being able to show the relevance of Scripture to a man in his particular station in life is probably the most relevant ministry a men’s ministry can have.
Men’s Ministry Topic #5: Pornography and Other Addictions
The pornography problem among Christian men has been well documented (i.e., by Barna Group, Christianity Today, Charisma Magazine). For this reason, most men’s conferences have a breakout session dedicated to the issue. Local church men’s ministries would be wise to specifically address the topic as well.
Increasingly, other types of addictions are popping up in the church as well, such as drug, alcohol, and gambling. These, too, need to be addressed.
Men’s Ministry Topic #6: Money Management
Money is always on everyone’s mind. How to make more of it, how to spend less of it, what part to give to God and others, and how to get out of debt are the topics generally covered in this area at men’s conferences.
Men’s Ministry Topic #7: Physical and Emotional Health
Recently I’ve seen the rise of men’s ministries that address very specific physical and emotional issues with men: issues relating to weight, exercise, anger, depression, etc. Knights of the 21st Century is an example of a men’s ministry dedicated to the emotional health of Christian men.
Men’s Ministry Topic #8: Cultural Issues
I’ve seen the issues of race, politics, homosexuality, human trafficking, war, and poverty addressed at men’s conferences. A local church men’s ministry should address these issues as well.
Men’s Ministry Topic #9: Role in the Church
A local church men’s ministry should clearly define what role it plays in fulfilling the mission of the church, how it supports the pastor and the pastor’s vision for the church.
…But One Men’s Ministry Topic is Never Addressed
It’s the topic of good works. Other than my own workshop, I have never seen a workshop that covers this important Scriptural issue. In this sense, modern men’s ministry mirrors the larger Evangelical vacuum in this area. Which is sad, because a man of God isn’t truly a man of God until he has been “thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17).
This post first appeared in
Since 2003 New Commandment Men’s Ministries has helped hundreds of churches throughout North America and around the world recruit teams of men who permanently adopt widows, single moms and fatherless children in their congregations for the purpose of donating two hours of service to them one Saturday morning each month. We accomplish this with a free training site called New Commandment Men’s Ministry Learn how to mobilize your men’s ministry to meet every pressing need in your church at
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3 thoughts on “Ten Men’s Ministry Topics at Men’s Conferences”
Great list: I have seen “Alcoholism and Drug Abuse” pop up in more and more discussions. Would you place these issues under your rubric of Physical & Emotional Health? – Paul
Great information Pastor Herb to pass along to the men’s ministry, thanks for the observation, spot-on! Hope this finds you well, take care Brother! Jim
I am well, Jim. Glad you found the post helpful! Thanks for the encouraging words.