Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Has Your Church Experienced a Natural Disaster?

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Photo courtesy Lorie Shaull

I’m doing research on best practices for churches that have been in the epicenter of natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, and forest fires.

If you lead or attend a church that has actually been through a natural disaster – not simply helped a church that has experienced a natural disaster –please respond to my anonymous questionnaire here.

Your responses will be used to help churches better prepare for and respond to future disasters. After answering the questionnaire, you will be able to view the responses of others.

Here is a list of the questions you will be asked on the questionnaire:

  1. City and state your church is in.
  2. Your relation to your church: Pastor, Staff Member, Attender
  3. Average Sunday attendance.
  4. Year when the disaster happened.
  5. Describe how the disaster affected your community.
  6. Describe the long term affects of the disaster on your church.
  7. Describe how the disaster affected your church building.
  8. What percent of your congregation individually experienced the disaster?
  9. In what ways did your congregation individually experience the disaster?
  10. What types of outside help did your church receive? denominational help, help from other churches, insurance, charities, volunteers, government, fund raisers, other
  11. What specific steps did your church take to mitigate the effects of the disaster in your congregation?
  12. What specific steps did your church take to mitigate the effects of the disaster in your community?
  13. In what ways did the members of your church help each other?
  14. Pastors: How well did you cope with the stress of the disaster?
  15. Pastors: How did the disaster affect your ministry?
  16. Pastors: How would you describe the impact of the disaster on the spiritual health of your church?
  17. Pastors: If the disaster were to happen again, what would you do differently?

This post first appeared in


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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