When I think about miracles, I divide them into two groups that I call Class A miracles and Class B miracles. Class A miracles are miracles that break the laws of nature. Jesus raising a dead girl in Mark 5 is an example of a Class A miracle. These types of miracles are obvious and undeniable, even by unbelievers. For example, Peter healing the lame man in Acts 3 was an obvious and undeniable miracle that even the Sanhedrin couldn’t deny: “What are we going to do with these men?” they asked. “Everyone living in Jerusalem knows they have performed a notable sign, and we cannot deny it” (Acts 4:16).
Class B miracles, on the other hand, are miracles of circumstance. For example, I remember a missionary speaking about how he was attempting to explain the crucifixion to a primitive group of people but they had never seen a nail. After his message, he paused to eat something. When he poured a can of soup he had opened, out came a nail along with the soup!
Over the years, Patti and I have experienced several Class B miracles: selling our home in one day to the first person who walked through the door so I could take a pastorate, a nursing student calling to ask if we needed someone to help with the youth ministry in our church after we had prayed for help in that area, the very direct and obvious circumstances that lead to the start of New Commandment Men’s Ministries, and many more.
But we have never personally experienced a Class A miracle. We know someone who has: a friend of ours was in a motorcycle accident and suffered a severely broken leg was miraculously healed overnight. But that’s it.
So here’s my question: Have any of you, my readers, personally experienced an obvious and undeniable Class A miracle? If so, please leave a comment in the comment section below.
This post first appeared in NewCommandment.org.
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3 thoughts on “Have You Ever Experienced a “Class A” Miracle?”
I had a patient with a severe form of skin cancer who, against my wishes, declined all medical care. He wanted to rely on prayer instead. His cancer rapidly shrank and disappeared. This surprised me, even though I was praying for him also.
Thank you for this testimony to God’s power, Dr. Bryce.
Have experienced 2 class A miracles. First when I was just 15 my brother was working underneath a cotton combine and the combine fell on top of him. They called my parents and told him he wasn’t going to make it and they had better fly out soon to say goodbye. My friend and I attended church that night when my parents flew out to IL to see my brother. The entire congregation stopped during the service and prayed for my brother. My parents flew him home and he ended up in a hospital in Washington, DC for 5 days and walked out with a broken leg. The doctors could not explain it to my parents other then it was a miracle. Funny thing later one of the members of the congregation asked when they knew my brother was actually going to live. After checking the medical report, it showed around the same time we were praying.
The other time was when I was pregnant with my son. I became deathly ill and lost over 50 pounds in my first trimester. The doctors insisted I needed to abort the pregnancy if I had a chance to live. I prayed and had total peace it would be fine. My family even tried to get a court order to make me abort since they didn’t know Jesus or have any peace on the matter. Was a very difficult time where God was the only one that knew besides me that it was going to be fine. We were in the hospital the entire pregnancy. I was the first person recorded to have interveneus steroids during a pregnancy and my son being the first fetus to receive steroids. They had determined at that point I had Crohns disease. Dr. Fox made it clear to me that if the baby survived at the very least it would be down syndrome but was more likely he wouldn’t survive. I told him my God gave me total peace and the baby would be fine. We had over 67 people with neo natal teams and press and 2 surgeons at the delivery of my son Sean. Imagine their surprise when my son came out perfect 10 on the Abcar scale. And even greater still, the Lord used me to pray with Dr Fox to accept Him as his Lord and Savior! We serve a mighty God!