Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Drop Down Menu Christian Men: Everyone Needs Them

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Photo courtesy Cindy Schultz

My website contains exactly zero drop down menus. The reason is because I designed it myself and I learned that skill by the seat of my pants. True web page designers use drop down menus to conserve space and simplify navigation. Run your cursor over any drop down menu and immediately the topics you need cascade down the page beneath it.

I like to think of Christian men who have a deep relationship with the Lord as drop down menus. There he is, in the crowd, looking just like any ordinary guy. But get to know a Drop Down Menu Christian Man and suddenly exactly what you need appears all around him. Here’s the “menu” of some of the needs we all have that this type of man can and does meet.


Serving others is a part of any Drop Down Menu Christian Man’s DNA. He actually believes that providing a positive benefit to others is the reason he exists. Need help with some project around your home? Just say the word and he’ll be there.


In a Drop Down Menu Christian Man’s universe, love involves much more than simply marriage, sex and procreation. This kind of man knows that love involves coming to truly know and understand someone, and then being willing to sacrifice for them in a time of need.


We all need genuine, loyal friends. Come across any Drop Dow Menu Christian Man and you’ll have a friend for life.


Genuine hope comes from knowing God. A Drop Down Menu Christian Man will show everyone around him what that hope looks like by living out his relationship with God daily. And then he’ll explain how they can have that hope too, through faith in Jesus Christ.


When it comes to men, stability seems in short supply these days. A Drop Down Menu Christian Man, on the other hand, knows who he is, why he’s here, and where he’s going. Because of that, he’s able to navigate the hairpin turns of life easily.


A Drop Down Menu Christian Man came to be who he is by confessing his sin to God with brutal honesty. He knows that evil cannot thrive in light, and therefore always walks toward it instead of fleeing from it.


That Drop Down Menu Christian Men exist at all is proof of one amazing fact: that ultimately, everything is going to be okay for those who love God.

And that, my friend, is joy. Pure joy.

This post first appeared in

A single mom and her fatherless child with their team of men

Since 2003 New Commandment Men’s Ministries has helped hundreds of churches throughout North America and around the world recruit teams of men who permanently adopt widows, single moms and fatherless children in their congregations for the purpose of donating two hours of service to them one Saturday morning each month. We accomplish this with a free training site called New Commandment Men’s Ministry Learn how to mobilize your men’s ministry to meet every pressing need in your church at


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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