Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

How $500 in Facebook Ads Intensified New Commandment’s Worldwide Ministry

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Over the past two years, New Commandment Men’s Ministry has restructured its strategy from direct in-person marketing through workshops at men’s conferences to developing a free training and resource site. The first step in this new strategy involved developing a regular blog that currently goes out to about 7,000 people three times a week. (Thanks, everyone, for reading my blog!)

The second step has been to revamp the ministry website and expand it into Meeting to Meet Needs, a membership site designed to provide inexpensive and easily accessible training and resources for churches interested in starting a men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents.

I’m continually adding new material to the membership site, but the basic structure is now complete. The site is infinitely scalable and anyone, anywhere, at any time, can begin the process of starting a men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents in their church and community.

Recently, an important milestone has been reached with the membership site: it’s now paying for itself. (Thank you, Meeting to Meet Needs members!) This means we have been able to start the third leg of our new strategy: social media marketing through Facebook advertising.

I want to give you an idea of what $500 in Facebook advertising does. The reason I’ve chosen $500 is because that is typically what I spent on one trip to do a workshop at a men’s conference. That $500 meant days of travel away from my family, cheap flights on cramped airplanes, cheaper rental cars, and even cheaper hotels. Usually an average of 4 churches started a men’s team ministry and the ministry lost about $100 on each trip. (Thank you, donors, for making that difference up!)?

Now compare in person marketing with recent world-wide results from the first $500 New Commandment spent on Facebook ads. (To get an idea of what this advertising looks like go to “New Commandment Men’s Ministries” on Facebook – and don’t forget to “like” the page!):

  • 52,126 people saw one of our ads at least once.
  • 1,448 people clicked on an ad for more information
  • 405 people visited New Commandment’s website
  • 43 people shared a post about men’s team ministry with their friends on Facebook
  • 2,768 people watched 100% of a video
  • 12 people commented on a post

Facebook advertising is extremely powerful. I can target “fans of Tim Tebow” who live in Bora Bora (literally), or couples who drive minivans and have three or more kids. But with that power comes complexity. With most everything else I’ve done on the Internet, the learning curve has been steep.

It often took months after a ministry trip before we knew how many churches started a men’s team ministry. It’s also going to take months before we know for sure how many churches start men’s team ministries from Facebook advertising. But by the grace of God, it looks like two years of hard work is beginning to pay off.

This post first appeared in New

Want to help us tell the world through Facebook ads about men’s team ministry to the widowed and single parents? You can make a donation here.


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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