Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

I’ve Graduated to Granddad

Sharing is caring!

Marietta and Remy Baer Stechmeyer

I’m having trouble writing this post about being a new grandfather. I guess the reason why is because I don’t quite feel like one yet.

Remy Baer Stechmeyer was born to Jake and our daughter Marietta August 28 in the Year of our Lord, 2020.

Remy Baer rang the doorbell on life a little early, six weeks and two days early to be exact. He weighed in at a mere 4.4 pounds and measured 17.5 inches.

One minute into his earthly sojourn, Remy’s APGAR score was only 4 (out of 10). But by five minutes, his score was 8. God does answer prayer, and we were definitely praying.

Three days out, the pediatrician describes Remy as “a healthy preemie” who will probably be in NICU for about three weeks before he can go home.

Music — no a symphony — to our ears.

2020 also being The Year of COVID, Grandma and Grandpa Reese have yet to hold our dear firstborn grandson. That will have to wait for who knows how long.

For now, we watch Remy Baer yawn with his little mouth and stretch his little arms and wiggle his little body under his blanket via “NICView,” an online webcam Rose Hospital has set up for COVID-ostracized relatives like us.

This morning I took Dixie for a walk. I passed the lake where Remy and I will learn how to fish together. I passed the pool where I’ll help Remy learn how to swim. And the playground where I’ll show Remy how to go down a slide.

And when I got home, I passed the Bible from which I’ll teach Remy about God.

This post first appeared in


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