Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Jesus, Friend of Women

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Photo courtesy Chapendra

Dear Women:

Welcome to the modern world and its secular, godless men. In this new world, men have been taught all their lives that they are the end product of millions of years of evolution: the fittest of the fit. They believe they are mere animals with huge sex drives because the fittest, after all, reproduce more and better than their competitors.

For modern men, sex, therefore, is the holy grail. How can men possibly overcome their genes, their hormones, their pleasure triggers and their peer pressure and treat women as anything other than a sex object? Why should they even try? Polite society is simply a veneer – a convention – that hides a dark reality deep inside every man. “Do not trust men,” modern mothers warn their daughters.

Listen to your mother. She’s right.

Today’s men baste themselves in pornography, mentally rape every pretty woman they see, and often physically rape them. Doubt this? Check out your boyfriend’s computer the next time he’s not around. Make a mental note of the “rape escape” emergency phones posted around your college campus. And read the statistics for college campus rape, which currently stand at about 20% of all female students. (“Nearly one in five college women were victims of rape or attempted rape during their freshmen year.” Huffington Post, May 20, 2015)

But I have a suggestion: maybe, just maybe, the secular, materialistic, view of reality is wrong. Maybe the Christian world view, the one materialism has so recently supplanted in western civilization, is right after all. And maybe Jesus, the chief exemplar of that world view, has something to offer modern women.

The dignity and respect you crave from men is the same dignity and respect Jesus gave to women. Jesus invited women into his life and ministry. He taught women alongside men. He responded to women’s needs, especially to the needs of the female outcasts of society. He depended on women for financial support. He invited women to join him in his kingdom. And he made sure women were primary witnesses to his death and resurrection.

The result was that the immediate and chief beneficiaries of Jesus’ life and ministry were women. He warned men not to sexually exploit women. He made marriage equally binding on men and women. And he created a social safety net for widows: the church that arose from the ashes of his death and the glory of his resurrection.

Speaking of Jesus’ resurrection, maybe that one historical event belies the materialistic view of reality that currently besets modern women.

Maybe it’s time you made yourself a new friend.

This post first appeared in


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and fatherless child in your church at


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