Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

3 Vital Life Strategies for Young Christian Men

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Photo courtesy Rick Powell

I was chatting with a neighbor about her two sons a few days ago when she commented, “Young men seem to have lost their way these days.” I’m not going to quote the statistics on what has become a modern day truism that men just aren’t what men used to be anymore.

Because the stats about men don’t lie, I don’t hold out much hope for young secular men. But I do want to make some suggestions about three practical things that we can tell young Christian men to do that will lead to a long, healthy, happy, successful and spiritually fruitful life.

Here are 3 vital life strategies for young Christian men.

Vital Life Strategy #1: Go to Church. Stay in Church.

Want to live a long, healthy, happy, successful and spiritually fruitful life? Then surround yourself with older men who have already lived a long, healthy, happy, successful and spiritually fruitful life. Where is the best place to find male role models like this? Church.

Patti and I attend an adult Sunday School class where most of the members are over 60. But there is one member who sticks out like a sore thumb: a young man in his twenties. He’s fun to watch. He listens intently, takes copious notes, and participates in the discussions. And when we have our monthly class meal, he cooks up his own fabulous dish and brings it. It’s obvious that that young man is going to be used of the Lord.

Vital Life Strategy #2: Go to school. Stay in school.

Get as much education as you can as early as you can. The longer you wait, the harder education becomes because later years bring more burdens. When you educate yourself, you are making yourself valuable to others. Education is hard. But it pays huge dividends later in life.

Not the bookish type? Then get trained in a specialized trade. America has a huge vacuum in the technical trades.

(Note: As you get your education, keep your debt down by attending a community college the first two years, commuting to school instead of living on campus, and working while in school.)

Vital Life Strategy #3: Get married. Stay married.

When it comes to marriage, take your commitment seriously by taking your time and waiting on the Lord for the right woman. And when you find her, commit to her for life. “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22

So there you have it: Go to church, get as much education as you can, and marry one woman for life. Personally, this is what I’ve done and, as an older man, I am overwhelmingly blessed. And there are millions of Christian men who have lived this very same life as well. Follow our example and you will be blessed by God too.

This post first appeared in


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