Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

A Men’s Conference Every Day

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Let’s face it, men serving widows and others with long term needs isn’t exactly a huge draw in men’s ministry…until I can personally get in front of men in a workshop and talk about the love of Christ and how it applies to widows. When I can do that, men come out of their seats in response.

But conference work (technically, “direct marketing”) is expensive, time consuming, and exhausting. Over the past sixteen years, I’ve been to over 150 men’s conferences and spent $75,000 doing it. Counting connecting flights, I’ve flown on more than 500 planes. Cramped, knee biting coach seats and cheap hotels with hammock-shaped beds have been my mainstay.

That’s why I’m excited about a recent development on my website. In fact, I’m so excited, I couldn’t sleep last night.

On average, between 300 and 400 people visit daily. That’s the equivalent of me attending a small men’s conference every day. Unfortunately, I’ve had no way of directly interacting with visitors in a spontaneous way. It’s like I’m attending a men’s conference, but spending the entire time up in a balcony watching the men below.

But now all that has changed. I’ve installed live chat software on my website and it has the potential to completely transform my ministry. With it I can tell in real time when someone is on my website and exactly where they are on it. They may be checking out my home pages or reading my blog – like you are right now. (Yes, Big Christian Brother is watching you.) Or they may be working in the Meeting to Meet Needs membership site.

Now anyone can chat with me from any of those locations and I’ll know the context of what we’re talking about from the start.

But I can also – and here’s the exciting part – initiate a chat with someone myself. And because I know where they are on the website, I can tailor my “hello” to their particular situation. For example, if someone is browsing my introductory home pages, I can send them an invitation to chat like this:

Hello. I’m Herb Reese, President of New Commandment Men’s Ministries. Can I to tell you about my ministry helping over 900 churches meet their pressing needs, like serving widows and single moms?

Instead of standing in the balcony passively watching men below, it’s as if I’m on the main floor walking through the crowd, striking up conversations about men’s team ministry!

Now I need your help. I’m still learning how to use this software. Since most of you have been reading this blog for years, I figure I can cut my teeth on you without you being too offended if I mess up. So when you get a chance, could you initiate a short chat session with me? I’d love to catch up and get your feedback on the blog and website.

Just click on the “Chat now” bar in the lower right corner. If I have too many chat sessions going at the same time, or if I’m offline, the bar will change to “Leave a message”, so please be patient.

Thanks in advance for your help.

This post first appeared in

Learn how to meet every pressing need in your church here.


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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