Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Precooked Good Works

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God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do.” -Ephesians 2:10 (Today’s English Version)

Wally was an unusual addition to his team?at his church. Unusual because Wally was confined?to a wheelchair. When he showed up?at our orientation, I wondered how much?use a man in a wheelchair could be.?Turns out, Wally has been extremely useful.?His team is assigned to a woman who had?been in an auto accident a year earlier?and wound up in a wheelchair. So each?month, while his team members do chores?around her home, Wally maneuvers himself?into her living room and talks about life between?two wheels.

?God has made us what we are,? the Bible?says. How true. Since we are all unique in?our personalities and abilities, each team is?unique as well. And each care receiver being?ministered to is also unique. It?s fascinating?to watch how, over time, the ministry?each team has to its care receiver becomes?unique and distinctive too.?It?s as if that widow, widower or single parent?is receiving a personal outfit specifically?tailored exactly to their measurements. I?see this over and over again. It becomes?clear that God has prepared the team for?the care receiver and the care receiver for?the team.

The good deeds we do are not accidental.?They are part of an eternal plan written and directed by God.?These good deeds express the very love of God to the people?around us. Good deeds are the reason we have been saved and?are to be the focal point of our lives. ?He has created us for a life?of good deeds,? the Bible?says.

Do you want to have a ministry?to a person that?reaches to the deepest level?of their being? Then show?them committed, sacrificial?love through good deeds and watch how God perfectly matched?you to the need.?No one could ask for more meaning or purpose in life than that.

This post first appeared in Doing Good Well, Thirty Daily Meditations on Developing a Biblical and Focused Discipline of Good Works, by Herb Reese and in


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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