Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Present Benefits of Our Future Hope

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Photo courtesy Jasmine

For materialists, the physical universe is all that is. Only what we can see, hear, smell, taste and touch is real. For them, Christianity is a “nothing burger” that focuses only on an imaginary afterlife and anesthetizes us to the pain of this life. Or, as Karl Marx famously stated, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”.

But for us Christians, our faith has present world benefits. While countless studies have demonstrated these benefits, we know from our own experience that the blessings of our faith begin now, in this life, and not just in eternity.

Consider the following: studies show that, in general, committed Christians have…

  • Longer lifespans – ancient Christians lived longer (1). How do we know? By surveying ancient headstones in Asia Minor and other locations. First and second century christian headstones have a cross on them, distinguishing them from pagan headstones. Studies also sshow that modern Christians in America live longer too (2).
  • Less depression – According to 550,000 Gallop-Healthways Well-Being Index interviews, very religious people report less depression and worry (3).
  • Happier marriages – The more committed a couple is to their faith, as demonstrated by church attendance, Bible reading, and praying individually and as a couple, the less likely they are to divorce (4).
  • Better health in general – More religious poeple have less “viral load” (virus in the bloodstream), less cancer, less use of mental health services, fewer eating disorders, etc. (5).
  • Less crime – More religious communities have lower rates of violence (6).
  • Better job satisfaction – Christian workers are less stressed at work and have more satisfaction with their job (7).

In addition to studies like these, here are some observations of my own about the present benefits of our future hope:

  • Healthy role models for children – attending church provides children with excellent role models outside their own family
  • More loving relationships – At the core of Christianity is the practice of love. It’s only natural for Christians to surround themselves with loving relationships.
  • The wisdom of the ages – Wisdom is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others, instead of having to learn from our own mistakes. The Bible gives each believer a wealth of wisdom that can spare us from unspeakable pain.
  • A basic life plan – Christianity tells us who we are, why we’re here, and where we’re going.
  • Strong character and moral values – Committed Christians gain the ability to face life’s challenges, temptations and struggles with guiding principles and internalized morality that insulate them from danger.
  • The ability to respond to failure and sin – Christianity always gives believers hope, even in our deepest times of distress and failure.
  • A faith rooted in factual history – We don’t have to throw away our brains to be a Christian.

So how about you? In what ways has your faith in Christ brought benefits to you in your present life? (Leave your comments below.)

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