Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Resurgence of Dualism has Major Apologetic Implications

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Photo courtesy Dierk Schaefer

I came across a fascinating article and podcast yesterday entitled “Why Pioneer Neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield Said the Mind is More than the Brain.”1

The reason why this article is significant is because a materialistic view of the world demands that the mind is only the brain, that is, only the physical processes that happen within the brain. This materialistic concept of the mind has been the reigning view for many decades.

This article, however, points out that there have been many dissenters from materialism in the field of neurosurgery. Their view is commonly called dualism.

“In a podcast discussion with Walter Bradley Center director Robert J. Marks, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor talks about how many famous neuroscientists became dualists – that is, they concluded that there is something about human beings that goes beyond matter – based on observations they made during their work [i.e., during the invasive brain surgeries they performed]. Among them was Wilder Penfield (1891-1976) who offered three reasons for his change of mind.”

This article and podcast should be reviewed by anyone interested in Christian apologetics.

For a scholarly review of the resurgence of dualism, read Dusting Off Dualism? by Matthew Owen.

The post first appeared in

Since 2003 New Commandment Men’s Ministries has helped hundreds of churches throughout North American and around the world recruit teams of men who permanently adopt their widowed and single parents in their congregations for the purpose of donating two hours of service to them one Saturday morning each month. We accomplish this with a free training site called New Commandment Men’s Ministry

Learn how to mobilize your men’s ministry to meet every pressing need in your church here.


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  1. “Why Pioneer Neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield Said the Mind is More than the Brain,” Mind Matter News, February 29, 2020,

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