Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Save a Life: Check Your Men’s Team Ministry Care Receivers’ CO and Smoke Detectors

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Photo courtesy Bart

My dog woke me up in the middle of the night last night because the low battery alarm on one of our smoke detectors kept going off. Patti and I have invested in a number of smoke and CO detectors for our home. Several years ago a CO detector saved the lives of our entire family when our central heating unit malfunctioned, so we take these safety devices seriously.

Since fall is upon us, I want to remind you to check the smoke and CO detectors in your care receiver’s home (as well as in your own home). If they don’t have them installed, ask if you can do it for them. You may save a life in the process.

Here’s a suggested fall to-do list for the men in your men’s team ministry:

  1. Install and/or check CO and smoke detectors. Replace batteries if needed.
  2. Have a certified HVAC specialist inspect the central heating unit. HVACexperts say an annualfurnaceinspectionand service willprolongthelife ofthe system, save energyanddecrease health risks.
  3. Check doors and windows for cold drafts into the home and repair if needed.
  4. Clean gutters and rake or mulch leaves.
  5. Aerate, fertilize, and reseed the lawn.
  6. Service the snowthrower.
  7. Check the tire tread on their car for winter driving.
  8. Replenish the wood pile if they burn wood for home heating.

Have a great fall, everyone!

This post first appeared in


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and fatherless child in your church at


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