Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Serving Widows and Single Moms is Not Rocket Science, People

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Photo courtesy Daniel Lobo

“Simple things for simple people.” I like that saying because I’m one of those simple people. I don’t like complexity, chaos and confusion. That’s why I make my bed every day. It’s a simple thing I can do to add order to my life. An unmade bed, with blankets, sheets and pillows all askew, makes me feel discombobulated.

Men’s team ministry is another simple thing I can do to add order to my life. Only it’s a moral order instead of a physical order. Looking around me and seeing the needs in my church and community while at the same time having all the biblical commands that tell me to do something about them randomly floating around in my mind is like noticing the chaos of my unmade bed out of the corner of my eye. It irks me when I haven’t made it. Men’s team ministry is a way of making my moral bed neat and tidy so I can look forward to a good night’s sleep.

“Simple things for simple people.” The nice thing about bed-making and needs-meeting is that they don’t have to be complex. We can make them complex, but they don’t have to be complex. Just take a couple of minutes to make our bed and suddenly our entire day falls into place. Just take a couple of hours each month to serve a widow or single mom and suddenly a vision of what can be fills our mind.

It’s not that hard, people. We don’t even have to organize an official “men’s team ministry to the widowed and single parents.” All we have to do is grab a friend and commit to serving someone in need in our church or community on a regular basis. We don’t need a PhD in thermodynamics to obey scripture. All we need to do is tidy up some moral sheets and blankets.

This post first appeared in


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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