Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Slow Service Days: When Your Care Receiver Says There’s Nothing to Do Around Her Home this Month

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Photo courtesy Peter Heath

Every now and then your team’s care receiver may tell you she (or he) has nothing for you to do at her home. For those of us who own homes, we all know that this is really never completely true. There’s always something to do. So it’s nice to have some ideas in the back of your head that you can suggest when she gives you this line.?

Here are some project suggestions for slow service days.

  • Clean all windows inside and out. Yes, we do windows.
  • Change the central air filter. Care receivers often forget this. I know I do.
  • Clean the gutters. Your care receiver probably hasn’t climbed up a ladder to look lately.
  • Change batteries in smoke and CO detectors. Or install the devices if they don’t have them.
  • Deep clean the refrigerator/oven. Be prepared to discover new forms of penicillin.
  • Flip bed mattresses. Then make the beds.
  • Clean out window wells. This will improve her outlook on life.
  • Take hazardous material, such as old paint, to a hazardous materials recycling center.
  • Detail and wax the car. You’ll need a lot of elbow grease on this one.
  • Check tire pressure and fluid levels.
  • Change the oil if needed.
  • Clean and organize the garage/shed. You might follow this project with a yard sale the next month.
  • Take old clothes and old household items to a second hand store.
  • Alphabetize the library. You may discover some interesting books to borrow and read in the process.
  • Steam clean the carpets.

Care receivers can get “project block” the way writers get “writers’ block.” Having suggestions like these at hand will help you and your team provide the consistent and long term care she needs.

This post first appeared in


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