Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Ten Ways Jesus Could Have Improved His Men’s Ministry

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Photo courtesy WonderDaug

It’s been 2,000 years since Jesus started the first men’s ministry. Sadly, after three and a half years of hard work, he had only eleven quasi-committed disciples to show for it. But we men’s ministry leaders have learned a lot about men’s ministry in the centuries since then. Here are some ideas on how Jesus could have done better with his men’s ministry.

  1. He could have reduced the cost of his training. Requiring men to leave everything and follow him was a tall order.
  2. He could have diversified his income stream. Relying solely on wealthy women to support him was a tenuous plan indeed, forcing him and his disciples to spend many nights sleeping outdoors. He could have generated other income, like writing books and training materials and then selling them.
  3. He could have stressed more manly themes, like sports and warfare, instead of love and compassion. Men are drawn to competition and conflict.
  4. He could have more clearly branded his ministry. Telling his followers they had to eat his flesh and drink his blood was too much for most of them. Almost his entire men’s ministry disintegrated after that and it took a couple of centuries for the rest of his followers to live down the charge of cannibalism.
  5. He could have reduced his travel expenses by training his disciples in local synagogues. Taking his discipleship ministry indoors would have had the added benefit of shielding his ministry from public scrutiny.
  6. He could have gotten involved in politics and fought against hot-button issues, like Roman and Greek infanticide. Jesus never said one word about this horrible practice.
  7. He could have emphasized diversity. Twelvemen, really?
  8. He could have focused on the family instead of on the poor and needy. Men’s ministry thrives when we address their felt needs. Their wives and children appreciate this emphasis too.
  9. He could have planned his meetings better. Attention to detail – like making sure a servant is present at all meetings to wash attendees’ feet – helps everyone avoid embarrassing moments.
  10. He could have called 10,000 angels, gotten down from the cross, and held the greatest men’s stadium event ever. But, alas, he didn’t.

Instead, he just died alone.

This post first appeared in

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