Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Men’s Ministry and the Australia Men’s Shed Movement

Sharing is caring!

How about this for a great men’s ministry idea? Provide a garage-like shed just for men, especially for retired or unemployed men struggling with loneliness and depression. Then stock it with tools and a pot of hot coffee so men can hang out, do hands on projects at their own pace, drink coffee, and talk.

There are Over 1,000 Men’s Sheds in Australia and Around the World, Including the US

Men’s sheds actually exist. They are called – what else? – “Men’s Sheds,” and there are over 1,000 of them in Australia! In fact, there is an official Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) that sponsors these sheds nationwide. Men’s Sheds are even a part of Australia’s “National Male Health Policy.”1

As a result of their success in Australia, men’s sheds have spread to other countries as well, including Ireland, UK, New Zealand, Canada, Kenya, and South Africa. There are even Men’s Sheds here in the US with their own national organization. (Using their website, I discovered that there is a Men’s Shed just nine miles from where I live!)

Many Men’s Ministries in Australia Sponsor Men’s Sheds as Part of Their Men’s Ministries

During my research on this subject, I discovered that there are a number of churches in Australia that sponsor Men’s Sheds as part of their Men’s Ministries. Croydon Hills Baptist in Melbourne is one such church. Here is their Men’s Shed description:

“The Men’s Shed is a place for men of any age to meet together. This program runs out of the Shed located at Croydon Hills Baptist Church. The Shed is equipped with tools and machinery so men can work on an organised project for our local community or bring their own. There’s also opportunity to just come along for a hot drink and a chat. The Shed also offers periodic training in a variety of practical skills such as basic household and automotive maintenance.”

Sometimes, multiple Australian churches and organizations sponsor a Men’s Shed. For example, Hope Church 2508 joined with Stanwell Park Anglican Church to sponsor Hellensburg Men’s Shed just outside of Sydney. Here is their description:

“Helensburgh Men’s Shed is a place of skill-sharing and informal learning, of pursuing individual and community projects, of purpose, achievement, and social interaction. A place of leisure where men come together to work. Helensburgh Men’s Shed is serving the 2508 community by providing a facility in which men can come together, pursue hobbies, undertake community projects, and talk with mates to facilitate longer, more active, healthier and happier lives. Helensburgh Men’s Shed’s initial activities have involved making or mending in wood (e.g. carpentry, joinery, turning, CNC milling, furniture renovation), repairing mechanical items (mowers, whipper snippers), restoring a car and renovating the currently used building. Setting up a metalworking area is well underway. Whichever activities are pursued the essence of a Shed is not a building but the network of relationships between the members.”

A Men’s Shed Description

Here is a description of a typical Australian Men’s Shed:

Open for Wood & Metalworking, Plastics, CNC milling, Leatherwork & more!

“Men helping men build a better community. Our mission is to enjoy each others company and wisdom and promote positive lifestyles, while sharing our skills for the benefit of individuals and the community.

“Our Shed opened in March 2014, new members and visitors are always welcome. The Shed is 15 by 9 meters, and has been purposely designed and built as a Men’s Shed. It is fully insulated, with a kitchen, air-conditioning, disabled access and is equipped with woodworking and metalworking tools. It’s not just about the tools so for those that just want to come for a chat or coffee we have the kitchen and a great meeting table. Its a MEN’S SHED not a work house, so come and enjoy yourself.

“Tuesday – Thursday & Saturday 9am – 12pm & Thursday 1pm – 3pm (electronics group)

Special Interest Groups: Social Cards & Games, most Tuesdays 1pm to 3pm; Leather work, most Thursdays 10:30 to 12, includes sewing, rope and knot skills; Electronics, Thursday 1pm to 3pm”

A Men’s Ministry Men’s “ShedNight”

One Men’s Shed I came across is called Belconnen Community Men’s Shed, located between Sydney and Melbourne. Their website contained a fascinating description of what they do on their “ShedNight.”

What do we do during ShedNight

“We start with a big feed, and we spend some time catching up with each other. Later three volunteers are interviewed about how things are going for them. They get asked questions like:

  • How do you deal with stress from work?
  • What are you learning about being a dad/granddad?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • Do you feel proud of yourself?
  • How are you going in your marriage/relationships?
  • What are some battles that you fought and won lately?
  • Do you have a faith or something else that gets you through tough times?
  • What do you look for in a mate?

“ShedNight allows the blokes to be real, honest and open about where we are in our life journey.  And by doing that we get support and and encouragement from other bloke’s, some of whom may have been where you are now!

“Blokes answer real questions and give us real answers. We end up learning a heap from each others’ stories. There’s no judgement and no telling each other what to do. There is just great blokes enjoying each other’s company and having a great time and doing life together.

“And it’s not always struggles that are shared. If blokes are passionate about a hobby or have a new car/boat/motorcycle/push bike, etc. they speak about it also.”

To all of this, I say, Amen and Amen. May your tribe increase!2

For other men’s ministry ideas, check out my post, “Men’s Ministry Ideas for Service Projects.”

A single mom and her fatherless child with their team of men

Since 2003 New Commandment Men’s Ministries has helped hundreds of churches throughout North America and around the world recruit teams of men who permanently adopt widows, single moms and fatherless children in their congregations for the purpose of donating two hours of service to them one Saturday morning each month. We accomplish this with a free training site called New Commandment Men’s Ministry Learn how to mobilize your men’s ministry to meet every pressing need in your church at


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


  1. “With the launch of the Federal Government’s National Male Health Policy in May 2010, the contribution of AMSA and Men’s Sheds was formally recognised with the allocation of ‘$3 million for the Australian Men’s Sheds Association to provide practical support to sheds, especially those in areas of high need. Men’s sheds play an important role in the community by providing meeting places where men can find social support and camaraderie’.” AMSA
  2. There are several videos about Men’s Sheds on YouTube. Here is one of them.

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