Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

The Men’s Ministry at Crossroads: Why it Works

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Mike Davisson

What is a Successful Men’s Ministry?

I’ve written in the past about the men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents at my church, Crossroads Church in Northglenn, Colorado.1 But I’ve always emphasized that men’s team ministry is just one aspect of men’s ministry in general. So today, I want to post about the broader men’s ministry at Crossroads.

If you define a church with a successful men’s ministry as a church that is faithfully discipling its men to know and love Jesus Christ through faith in him so that they are daily walking in fellowship with God, are grounded in his word, and are consistently applying it in their daily lives, resulting in loving relationships in their homes, neighborhoods and congregation, then by all accounts Crossroads Church has a successful men’s ministry. In my seventeen years as a member of Crossroads, one of the things that stands out is the amazing number of spiritually mature men.

Crossroads Church in Northglenn, CO, is an Example of a Successful Men’s Ministry

The question is, why? What is Crossroads doing to achieve this result? Or perhaps I should ask, what is God doing at Crossroads to achieve this result? Here are my observations.

How Crossroads as a Whole is Facilitating Successful Men’s Ministry

Men’s ministry, as Man in the Mirror,2 likes to emphasize, involves the entire church, not just men participating in the official “men’s ministry” in a church. Here are some of the things Crossroads Church is doing as a church that have a positive spiritual impact on all of the men in the church.

  • Stable, long term and passionate male pastoral leadership. The first thing men will notice when they attend Crossroads is that the pastoral leadership is comprised of men who are passionate about Jesus Christ and about their church…and about them.
  • A culture of service. Crossroads Church’s tag line is: “Serving people toward and connecting people to Jesus.” This motto is repeated quite often. And it’s not just a motto at the church. There are multiple opportunities to serve at Crossroads, both in ministries within the church, and in ministries out in the community.
  • Men are everywhere. You see men involved at every level of leadership and in (almost) every ministry at the church. The church has a “this is what men do” mentality.
  • Male relationships that are contagious. Through its small groups and service opportunities, men have many opportunities to develop relationships with other men.
  • An effective counseling service. Crossroads has a robust counseling ministry that helps men (and women) deal with the emotional, relational and spiritual issues they are facing. The result: spiritually and emotionally healthy men.

What Crossroads’ Men’s Ministry is Doing Specifically to Succeed

Led by Mike Davisson, Crossroads’ men’s ministry has a committee of men who share leadership responsibilities. Their focus is on four long running and high quality events that have different schedules (weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually), different purposes (Bible study, men’s team ministry, men’s breakfast, car care clinic), and different types of interests (Bible study, serving widows and others in the church, fellowship with other men, and serving women outside the church).

Besides these scheduled and predictable events, the men’s ministry also sponsors ad hoc activities that are fun, spontaneous, easy to organize, and male oriented. These are led by anyone who wants to lead them. Examples are bike rides, clay shoots, and off road four wheeling in the nearby Rockies.

Combined with the coherent structure of the regularly scheduled events, the ad hoc events provide a “Hey, let’s do this!” experimental attitude in the ministry. The result: the men’s ministry at Crossroads church is deeply spiritual, extremely healing, highly meaningful and very practical in a way that meets men at all spiritual levels. Oh, and did I mention that it’s really fun?

What man wouldn’t want to be involved in that?

A single mom and her fatherless child with their team of men

Since 2003 New Commandment Men’s Ministries has helped hundreds of churches throughout North America and around the world recruit teams of men who permanently adopt widows, single moms and fatherless children in their congregations for the purpose of donating two hours of service to them one Saturday morning each month. We accomplish this with a free training site called New Commandment Men’s Ministry Learn how to mobilize your men’s ministry to meet every pressing need in your church at


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


  1. “Faithful Hands,” as we call our men’s team ministry, has about fifty men involved in it, with fifteen teams serving over twenty care receivers. The ministry has been functioning for sixteen years. I lead it as a volunteer.
  2. Man in the Mirror is a national men’s ministry located in Florida.

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