Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Providing Transportation: A Great Ministry for Introverts Like Me

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Photo courtesy Dave Parker

I received a pleasant surprise on Facebook this past Father’s Day. I got a shout out from David McWhirter, who was a teenager in my first pastorate many years ago. Along with his brother, I used to pick them up and take them to church. Here’s what David said:

Today I was asked about my Father on this special day and my response was that I don’t have knowledge of my biological father and my stepfather was not a very influential man in my life. Although over my lifetime there have been many influential men in my life. So here is a Big Happy Father’s Day to them. In no particular order… First to John C. Martin for his influence in high school. Secondly, Herb Reese for his leadership and willingness to pick us up every Sunday to take me and my brother to church. For his passion for Christ and serving his church…

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I don’t talk much one on one. I’m really quiet that way. Put a keyboard in front of me and I take off. But put me in a car with someone and all I want to do is think. I keep having to remind myself that it’s rude to ignore people.

What’s interesting, however, is that in spite of that personality flaw, starting from my teen years when I got my very first car, a ’67 red Datsun, God has used me to provide transportation for others in ways that have had huge impacts similar to David McWhirter’s above.

For example, in high school I used to pick up a friend, Chuck Kelly, and drive him to church on Sundays. He came to Christ during that time and for the past forty years has been a missionary to Latvia.

In college, I commuted to UCLA from home. Along the way I would pick up a Jewish friend and take him to school with me. Eventually, he wound up inviting me to speak to the youth group at his synagogue about Christianity!

A while back I took a widow on our block to a doctor’s appointment. In the process, she started asking me about my ministry. It was a wonderful opportunity to talk about the Lord.

So here’s my challenge to you: any opportunity you have to take a friend somewhere, jump on it. Without even trying, your passenger’s seat may become a front seat for the gospel.

This post first appeared in

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and fatherless child in your church at


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