Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

WANTED! Churches with Men’s Team Ministries for Case Studies

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This month I’m working on a new section of my Meeting to Meet Needs membership site. The section is called “Case Studies.” I’m in the process of compiling a list of churches with men’s team ministries to their widowed and single parents that I’d like to review on the site and I’m wondering if any of my readers have men’s team ministries in their churches that they would like to see included in the study. If so, here’s the informtion I need from you:

  • Name, location, and description of your church –Feel free to include whatever details you think are important. I’m particularly interested in the composition of your congregation.
  • How and when your men’s team ministry started –Who championed the ministry in your church and what was your process for starting it?
  • The effectiveness of your men’s team ministry –How many, and what percentage, of their widowed and single parents in your church have you been able to cover with your men’s team ministry?
  • Overall men’s ministry fit –What other types of men’s ministries do you have and how do they work with your men’s team ministry?
  • Problems you’ve dealt with –What issues have come up with your men’s team ministry?
  • Care receiver response –What do your care receivers think of the ministry? Any testimonies you can forward?
  • Care giver response –What do your men think of the minsitry? Testimonies here would be appreciated too.
  • Additional comments –Anything you’d like to add?
  • Available media –Do you have pictures and/or video of your men’s team minsitry you can share?

Also, if your church used to have a men’s team ministry, but no longer does, I’d like to hear from you as well.

  • How long did your church have a men’s team ministry?
  • Was there a period of time when it thrived?
  • What were the reasons for it not continuing?
  • Is there any support in your church for starting it again?

You can answer these questions simply by responding to this email. If you’d like to participate in this survey but need more time, just let me know and I’ll touch base with you at a later date.

My goal in Meeting to Meet Needs is to help churches start their own men’s team ministry to their widowed and single parents and to encourage others whose churches already have one. Your participation in the “Case Studies” section will go a long way to helping me achieve that goal.

This post first appeared in


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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