Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

We Have Never Been Enslaved to Anyone

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We have never been enslaved to anyone.” – Offended Jews when Jesus told them the truth would set them free.

Enslave – to control someone by keeping the person in a bad or difficult situation where the person is not free, or to make a slave (= person legally owned) of someone.” – Cambridge Dictionary

Never underestimate the ability of the human race to enslave itself.

The Jews, of all people, were particularly good at getting themselves enslaved. I can count more than a half dozen times in the Bible when the descendants of Abraham managed to put themselves under the yoke. Extra biblical history contains even more examples, including Palestine’s subjugation to Rome – the precise situation the Jews of Jesus day were pretending didn’t exist when they claimed “we have never been slaves of anyone.”

Fast forward to modern day America and we see the same phenomenon in the land of the free: massive portions of the population subjecting themselves to slavery: to “bad or difficult situations where the person is not free.” Here are some examples:

  • AFDC – “Aid to Families with Dependent Children,” first started as part of the New Deal after the Depression and was greatly expanded under Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” in the 60’s. The long term effect of AFDC was to discourage fatherhood and encourage single mother families who were permanently dependent on the government for support. In effect, the government became the “father” of these families. AFDC had its greatest impact on black inner city households in the latter part of the twentieth century, resulting in the destruction of the black family unit. Definitely a “bad or difficult situation where the person is not free.”
  • Massive Federal Debt – In the past ten years, the US has more than doubled its debt, from 9 trillion dollars to 20 trillion dollars. That’s over one trillion dollars per year. And there is no indication the rate of indebtedness is slowing. In a few years, the US will be paying half of its tax dollars on interest on its debt. Obviously, this will soon become “a bad or difficult situation where we the people are not free.”
  • Drugs and Alcohol Addiction -?21.5 million American adults (aged 12 and older) battled a substance use disorder in 2014. Another “bad or difficult situation where the person is not free.”
  • Smoking – 15% of Americans smoke. Cigarette smoking causes 1,300 deaths per day. Ever tried to stop smoking?? Could be “a bad or difficult situation where the person is not free.”
  • Obesity – The second leading cause of death in America is obesity. More than 1 in 3 adults in America are obese. Ever tried to lose weight? Could be another “bad or difficult situation where the person is not free.”
  • Pornography, Assault and Rape – 1 in 5 women on college campuses in America will be assaulted or raped.?68% of men and 18% of women view pornography in some for at least once a week.?56% of divorce cases involve one party or the other having an obsessive interest in pornographic material. Easily a “bad or difficult situation were the person is not free.”
  • Gambling Addiction -?Three to five gamblers out of every hundred struggles with a gambling problem. As many as 750,000 young people, ages 14 to 21 has a gambling addiction. Definitely “a bad of difficult situation where the person is not free.”

Well, I could go on with this litany. But here’s the question: if the truth sets us free from these different types of slavery, then how exactly does it do that?

It all has to do with knowing Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free” and then later in John 8, Jesus makes it clear that he himself is the truth who sets us free: “If the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” So how does he do that?

Here’s how:

  • Knowing Jesus Christ gives us hope. No matter where we are in life and no matter how desperate our situation may be, there is always hope in Jesus Christ. He is the risen Lord and he is right here right now. If we call on him, he will answer us in our time of need.
  • Knowing Jesus Christ helps us be honest with ourselves.?The first step in overcoming addiction and slavery to sin is to make an honest assessment of ourselves. This can be very painful, especially if we have been deceiving ourselves and calling our slavery “freedom.” Jesus Christ enables us to humble ourselves before God and come clean with him.
  • Knowing Jesus Christ helps us be transparent with others. One of the most difficult things about addiction is admitting it to others. And yet this is one of the most important steps in recovery. Jesus strips us of our pride and enables us to take off our mask and be real with those closest to us.
  • Knowing Jesus Christ gives us a supportive community. Someone who has come to Christ in faith, admitting his sin and trusting in God’s provision in Christ, is immediately made a part of the church, Christ’s body. Participating in a local church surrounds us with people who love God and who love us. We need other believers to help us walk consistent, godly lives.
  • Knowing Jesus Christ gives us a a new life, a new Spirit, and a new affection. Spiritual rebirth is the fruit of faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sin. Learning to rely on the Spirit of God within us is a lifelong process that protects us from the evil forces of this world that want to enslave us. Our new affection for God drives out the lusts of the flesh and world.
  • Knowing Jesus Christ gives us inner strength, inner discipline, and the wisdom of the ages. The Word of God contains important information that will help us avoid the pitfalls of life and provide us with the motivation and direction to achieve healthy goals.

So now I want to ask you, are you currently involved in some form of addiction? Are you a slave?

If so, then my next question is, have you met Jesus Christ? Have you placed your faith in Him? Are you being honest with yourself and others around you? Are you being transparent and are you involved in a meaningful way with a church? Are you walking in the Spirit and is the Word of God embedded in your heart?

We live in an opportunistic culture. Slavery, in its many forms, lurks just around the corner.

But Jesus Christ is right here, just before you make the turn.

This post first appeared in


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