Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

What Churches Do for Widows and Widowers

Sharing is caring!

“Not much.”

Some churches form teams of men for their widows.

If you are a widow or widower and have had any experience with churches, that is probably what you thought when you saw the title for this post. And you are right. For the most part, churches focus on families and, contrary to what the Bible teaches, ignore their widows and widowers.

I’ve been lecturing and writing about this problem for eighteen years now and it is heartening to see churches responding to the biblical mandate to serve widows and widowers.

Here are some of the very practical things churches do for their widows and widowers.

Churches Provide Support Groups for Widows and Widowers

Grief recovery support groups – Many churches provide support groups for widows and widowers who have recently lost their spouse. GriefShare is one of the best known.

Churches Help Widows and Widowers with Car Maintenance

Car maintenance – A number of churches across America have taken on the task of helping widows and widowers in their community with oil changes and light car maintenance.

Churches Provide Emergency Help with Home Projects for Widows and Widowers

Home projects – Some churches inventory the skills of their men and then call on them for help when a widow or widower needs something done around their home.

Churches Give Widows and Widowers Emergency Financial Aid

Benevolence – Most churches have a benevolence fund to help widows and widowers in their church and community in times of emergency.

Churches Assign Deacons to Help Their Widows and Widowers

Deacons – The primary purpose of deacons is to minister to widows and widowers. The office of deacon is a biblical mandate and the majority of churches have them.

Some Churches Provide Widows and Widowers with a Monthly Stipend

A monthly stipend – Churches rarely financially support their widows and widowers on a regular basis. But regular support is a clear biblical concept. Even just one hundred dollars a month in supplemental income would make a huge difference for many widows and widowers.

Churches Assign a Team of Men to Their Widows and Widowers

A permanent team of men – Hundreds of churches have learned how to form teams of men and permanently assign them to widows and widowers for years-long ministry. The teams serve their care receivers once a month around their home and act as their advocates.

Maybe you are a widow or widower. Here is how you can be an advocate, not only for yourself, but also for all of the other widows and widowers in your church. Forward this post to your pastor or other appropriate staff person and ask him or her how you can help start some of these ministries in your church.

Jesus Christ and the Church are the Ultimate Support for All Widows and Widowers

If you are not currently attending a church, then I want to introduce you to Jesus Christ. He is the source of all comfort in this, your greatest time of need. Put your faith in him as the one who died for your sins on the cross and he will come into your life and flood you with his love and peace.

Then find a church that believes the Bible and preaches Jesus. Just attending church will help you with your loss and grief by surrounding you with people who will love and support you.

This post first appeared in

Since 2003 New Commandment Men’s Ministries has helped hundreds of churches throughout North American and around the world recruit teams of men who permanently adopt their widowed and single parents in their congregations for the purpose of donating two hours of service to them one Saturday morning each month. We accomplish this with a free training site called New Commandment Men’s Ministry

Learn how to mobilize your men’s ministry to meet every pressing need in your church here.


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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