Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

What if Your Church Just Doesn’t Want to Do Men’s Team Ministry?

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Photo courtesy Kerry Lannert

Recently I received a couple of emails from men saying they were frustrated. One of them had moved to a new state. He had been involved in his former church’s men’s team ministry to its widowed and single parents and really enjoyed it. He was hoping to interest his new church in the ministry. But they couldn’t catch the vision for it.

The second individual had been trying to start a men’s team ministry in his own church for years and he also couldn’t find anyone interested in joining him.

The temptations in these situations are to 1) get angry; 2) give up; and 3) leave the church.

But if you find yourself in a recalcitrant church like these two men have and struggle with these feelings, I want to suggest a different approach.

Join with one other man in your church – or simply take your wife along, adopt one widow or single mom in the congregation and start serving her on a regular basis. You can do this informally and without any fanfare. Just be consistent and faithful over the years. Perhaps your example will eventually inspire your church to join you. If not, at least you personally are meeting the needs of someone in your church who needs your ministry.

And through it all, keep praying that the Lord will raise up workers to join you.

This post first appeared in New


Learn how to form teams of men for every widow, single mom

and fatherless child in your church at


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