Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

What Makes a Man Valuable?

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Photo courtesy torbakhopper

Since men are getting a lot of bad PR these days, maybe it’s time to focus on the positive. So here’s my question: What makes a man valuable?

Something to consider when answering this question is, to whom? Women? Employers? Society in general? God?

Women may value looks, health and sensitivity in men. Employers will look for qualification and experience in a man. Society certainly values men who obey the law. And God values, among other things, faith and righteousness in men.

But there is one common quality that all of these interested parties value in men more than anything else. The reason is because its absence negates all other positive male qualities.

That supreme quality – that alpha quality, so to speak – is the willingness to enter into contractual agreements and actually keep them.

Yesterday I had an electrician come over and give me an estimate for some work at our home. He was a really nice, energetic and intelligent guy. He obviously knew his stuff. But the question is, will he do the work as specified and in a timely manner? If he doesn’t, it doesn’t matter whether he’s nice, energetic and intelligent.

A woman falls in love with a man and they get married. He’s everything she’s ever dreamed of: a good provider, strong, handsome and kind. But will he keep the terms of his marriage “contract”? Will he be faithful to her? Will he love her for better or for worse? If not, all the good looks and money in the world count for nothing.

Society spends tens of thousands of dollars on its public education system educating men with the hope that they will grow up and become law abiding, tax paying citizens – the “social contract.” But if men void that contract by breaking the law and wind up in jail, it’s all for naught.

And that brings us to God. What God values in men more than anything is exactly the same thing as everyone else. God values men who enter into a contractual relationship with him (read “covenant relationship”) and then fulfill the contract. The contractual relationship we have with God is this: God forgives us for our sin when we acknowledge that we are sinners and place our faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. In return, he expects us to do good – amazing good – by providing for those in need around us: our family, our extended family, our church, and our neighbors. (Check out Ephesians 2:8-10 and Titus 3:14)

That’s it, men. That’s our contract with God. It’s called the New Covenant. It’s so important, we celebrate it repeatedly in church during communion: “This cup is the New Covenant in my blood.” The New Covenant comes with a New Commandment: to love one another as Christ has loved us. Our contract with God is just as real and concrete as a contract to lay actual concrete is.

So here’s the question: are there people in need around us that we’re ignoring? If there are, we are out of compliance with our contract. And we’re also not very valuable in accomplishing God’s purpose.

I guess it’s time to get to work.

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