Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children
Using teams of men to serve widows, single moms, and fatherless children

Your Responses to My Question, Have You Seen an Angel?

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Photo courtesy Julie Falk

I received some great responses to my question, “Has Anyone Reading This Ever Seen an Angel?” Thanks, everyone, for sharing your stories. Here they are for the rest of us to read, with a little editing for brevity and clarity.


I had gone through a brutal battle with the church [I was the pastor of]. I had decided to resign but still struggled with it. A group of us gathered at my house for prayer. There was a knock on the front door (which no one comes to). My wife answered. She yelled for me to come to the door, but when I got there, no one was there.

My wife said this man told her, ?Let your husband know he made the right decision.? She said, ?Wait here. I know my husband would want to talk to you.? The man replied, ?I have to go.? My wife asked him who he was. He replied, ?I am an angel.? Then he was gone.

You have to know the whole story to realize the absolute blessing of that encounter.

–Jim Watson


I was with a team of climbers looking for Noah?s Ark on Mt. Ararat in 1985. We were attacked around midnight by PKK guerillas and marched down the mountain at gunpoint. At about 10,000 feet altitude we stopped and they began to search our belongings. Two of us were seated in the background on some rocks when a man with very blue eyes (whom we had never seen and was dressed like the local Kurds) came and covered us with a blanket, as it was very cold. In a few minutes we were told to line up (all five of us), while two of the terrorists lined up in front of us with rifles, which they pointed at us. All of a sudden, out of the darkness, one of the terrorists pointed at the sky to his fellow terrorists and then shouted to us to go home.

–Bill Crouse


The church my wife and I founded was still small; we were renting space in a small strip mall, next to a gym. My wife went to the church the sunny Saturday morning and saw what looked like an African-American homeless, toothless lady sitting in front of the church, hidden from view. She immediately called me on her phone.Upon arriving, Debbi was engaged in a conversation with TaJuana, which would ultimately last for two hours. She told us of things about which only we knew. She finished our sentences and quoted countless Scriptures. She accurately knew our hearts, encouraged us and told us of things to come. She told us of human trafficking in our area, which was revealed in the press two weeks later. We thought we would be ministering to a homeless person, but in the end she ministered to us in a huge way. We gave her food, although she assured us she didn?t need it.There are a thousand details about this story which convinced us TaJuana was sent to us from God. When she left, I followed behind her about to-15 feet. I stepped outside to see which way she would go; she was no where to be found.Some angels are messengers from God. This was certainly our experience.–Pastor Edward Cantu


Alas, I did not see the angel who saved my life when I was about ten. It was behind me, and pulled me up and out of the way of an approaching car. I would have been killed or horribly wounded. I felt the hand on my right shoulder, but when I looked behind me to see who had saved me, no one was close enough to have done it. Still haven?t forgotten that almost sixty years later. Eager to meet that one someday!?

–Linda Terry


Yes, I have seen an Angel.I was 21 years of age. It was a Monday and I was heading to work. It was raining so hard that I could barely see the hood ornament on the car. The two tires that were put on my car 3 days prior blew out while I was on the freeway. Panic set in as the car hurtled toward a big bridge support. Bouncing off the bridge support, I was thrown back across the freeway into the concrete divider where the driver’s door was torn off as I slid along the divider. I prayed to God to help and protect me. That was when an Angel came and told me not to be afraid, as this was not my day to die. Panic decreased enough so I could think and act.I was instructed to get the car under control so as not to hurt anyone. This was all happening in a break in traffic but cars were coming up on me. I pulled the steering wheel to get away from the divider and headed into another bridge support on the opposite side of the freeway. The steering wheel and column snapped off as I was thrown to the floor on the passenger side. My head slammed into the dashboard where I broke my jaw and neck.When the car was bouncing off the 2nd bridge support I grabbed the keys and turned off the engine. I was still holding the broken off steering wheel and half the column in my hands.While I was traveling back and forth across the freeway I wondered if I was hallucinating the Angel. I could hear the Angel speaking in my brain but not audibly. My logical mind said I was feeling the cold and the rain so I was conscious. Accept the fact you are seeing an Angel. I only saw it out of my peripheral vision. If I turned my head to look straight at it, I could not see it. It first appeared as a brilliant pinprick of light and grew to about the size of a softball. It was as intense as the sun. As the accident ended, the Angel grew smaller till it was a pinprick, then was gone. The Angel kept reassuring me and advising me through the ordeal. I did feel some peace in spite of what was happening, as I was told I would survive.A nurse was coming home from work and stopped to give me aid. Another motorist went to call the highway patrol. This was before cell phones. The 20 something patrolman arrived and looked at the outside of the car. You could see him stiffening his body as he prepared to look into the car.The shocked look on his face when he saw me sitting up on the seat was unmistakable. Once he could talk, he said ?May I ask you a question??. I assumed he was going to ask me how the accident happened. I was going into deeper shock and did not want to talk, but said yes. He asked ?What are you doing alive?? It was then I knew for certain I had met an angel. God had answered my prayers that day without delay.

–Trudie Schultz


Was I just visited by an angel?

When she was first spotted at our church, she was praying in the entryway (narthex). It was the Sunday before Christmas and this visitor sought help. She was on a mission to help people recently made homeless by the fires in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. She had a list of people in need? two firemen, two policemen, and a pastor. All had fought the fires, and while doing so lost their homes, cars, and all their possessions. The pastor lost his church. Would ours be a church that would help, she prayed? As a church officer, I listened, wrote down the information she provided, and told her we would see what we could do. She seemed satisfied with that. Ours was one of many churches she visited that day. Later I learned she worked in our city during the week and spent her weekends ministering to those in need in Gatlinburg. She donated her car, persuaded one of her children to donate their car, and set about finding other ways to meet the needs of these hurting people.

Sally knocked on the doors of a number of churches seeking support for the needy in Gatlinburg. Her heart ached for them. She returned to the campgrounds every weekend to spend time with them, minister to them, live with them and to share their hardships. She was in earnest at every church she went to for support. When she returned to our church, I was a little embarrassed to tell her that it was taking time to work through our processes to get some funding approved. Processes have their place, but Sally succeeded in transferring some of her ?knock at midnight? earnestness on me. And like the friend in Luke 11, I found her persistence compelling. Later, hearing that we would respond, she met me with joy and tears in her eyes, because apparently none of the other churches that heard her knock had even hinted at responding.

So what do I take away from my encounter with Sally? Was she an angel? Perhaps. I know there are some people in Gatlinburg who see her as their own personal angel. Hebrews 13:2 tells us not to neglect to show hospitality to strangers, because by doing so, some have entertained angels unawares. So when I met her the first time, perhaps I should have been more responsive. Our church responded to the need that she identified, albeit somewhat slowly, and perhaps a little too deliberately, but our response, was a good one. Still, I think she interpreted that we were not ready to meet a greater need that she saw as urgent. Sometimes, I think angels like Sally are sent to inform us of the work that the Lord has prepared for us. We are given that work is an opportunity and a responsibility, and like the worker in Matthew 25 who buried his talent, when we fail to respond to that work, in the end the talent (or work) is taken away and given to someone else, and our angel?like Sally?just moves on.

?For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.? Ephesians 2:10 ESV

–John Plant


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